
Our Vision

To serve as a platform for imparting professional training to the stakeholders in the field of arbitration and cater to all areas of Arbitration, Mediation, and Conciliation, especially the niche areas.

Our Mission

To ensure that the stakeholders, professionals and students are effectively trained in areas concerning ADR and refine their skills along with imparting comprehensive knowledge of laws and regulations in the field of ADR to produce fair outcomes for disputes.


  • To create awareness in the society with regard to the ADR Techniques,
  • To make a one-stop solution for Professionals and persons to connect with practitioners and scholars in the area of National & International Dispute Resolution.
  •  To facilitate interaction among students, teachers, professonals and legal practititoners and develop consultations with government and other stakeholders.
  • To collaborate with various centers and institutions across the World to conduct the training programmes.

About AAAA

Asian Arbitration & ADR Alliance (AAAA) is a Singapore entity established as a one-stop ADR service support provider and professional networking platform to connect practitioners and scholars in the area of International Dispute Resolution and Arbitration. The geographical areas of focus include the ASEAN region, East Asia and South Asia. AAAA is not an arbitration center but provides services to arbitration and mediation users, arbitral institutions, technological solution providers, interpreters, and more. This organization is created by ADR professionals for ADR professionals thus able to understand your needs. 
Some of the Services that the Association provides are as follows:

  • Training for ADR professionals in areas of arbitration, mediation, and ADR techniques and skills set.
  • Providing arbitration & ADR users/professionals with resources in their conduct of arbitration or mediation.
  • Providing a listing for ADR professionals in their specialist areas and skill set.
  • Providing logistics and administrative support for ADR professionals and ADR hearings.
  • All other customized services. 

AAAA’ Directory

Benefits of AAAA directory listing: 

1.      Creating visibility in Southeast Asia, East Asia and beyond by being listed through AAAA, an arbitration and ADR services support organisation based in Singapore

2.     Listing as “Lawyers”, “Arbitrators” and “Mediators”

3.     Preferential rates for events, seminars or courses

4.     Networking opportunities – connecting with arbitration and ADR practitioners outside of India

5.     Opportunity to contribute articles or writing for publication on the AAAA website

6.     Scholar directory – an opportunity for students to showcase their abilities and achievements

For registration: CLICK HERE!!

Directory of AAAA: CLICK HERE!!

Rates: US$ 50 for one year or US$ 80 for 2 years introductory rates valid until 1 September 2022

ASIAN ARB & ADR ALLIANCE: 24 Raffles Place, Clifford Centre, #20-03, Service Suite 2, Singapore 048261

Phone: +65 6950 5302

E-mail: [email protected]

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